A Week in My Life: College Edition

Hey guys! It’s been awhile, but I’m back, hopefully officially. That’s at least my goal finally, but I figured a good way to wrap up my summer semester was to finally post and put together the a week in my life from June, but I still wanted to share that week with y’all. I’m going to do a little life update sort of post later this week, so everything will be cleared up about where I’ve been, but just know, I’m so excited to finally be back!

Monday, June 20th

7:07 – Good morning, everybody! This week I’m doing a week in my life for all you lovely people to read. So I got up, and got ready for school. Also if y’all don’t know, I’m currently in school for elementary education and I’m taking some summer classes to get done earlier. Anyways, I’ll show y’all my fit later, but right now I’m just laying on the couch waiting to go. To pass time, I’ll probably read or play on my phone.

10:16 – I’m tired. (i was in class, bored to death lol)

12:57 – I just got back to my aunt’s house about two hours ago and literally all I’ve done is spend time on my phone and made sandwiches. I’m quite boring, but I need to get started on my homework in a little bit, so I might as well start that.

6:08 – Hey everyone! It’s been a minute. I’ve been doing homework for the last several hours and I’m done um just because my laptop died. I didn’t actually finish everything I wanted to do, but I got the important things done. So right now, I’m going to grab my book and read for a little bit, before I go get ready for bed. I’m currently reading The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han. (i ended up giving this book a four star rating, really cute summer read.)

7:02 – Really quick before I go take a shower. My shirt is from Uptown Cheapskate and my shorts are from my grandma. My shoes are my Doc Martens, obviously. I love these shoes so much. My earrings are these cute little gold earrings with the Pisces constellations on them from Walmart actually. These are some of my favorite earrings that I own. My scrunchie is from Old Navy and my rings are also from Walmart that were with my earrings.

7:08 – So I’m going to go get ready for bed because I’m tired and I would like to go to bed. You feel me?

9:19 – I’m back and I’m all ready for bed. Go me! I’m absolutely exhausted and I really want to go to sleep. I need to call my family first before I go to bed, but I’m going to sign off for the night. Also really quick, let me explain why I’m at my aunt’s and uncle’s house. Since my school is on the other side of town and my aunt and uncle lives on the other side of town, they let me stay with them for the part of the week while I’m at school. Anyways, good night. I’ll see y’all tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 21st

7:07 – Good morning everyone! Also, while I’m putting this together I just realized that I updated y’all at the same time yesterday morning. Interesting, anyways, I just got up and got all ready. Once I get home from class, I will show you guys my outfit. Right now I’m sitting on the couch drinking some coffee. Honestly I’ve been kind of spoiled at home with the fancy coffee that we have, but I just want to function today. I can handle original blend coffee for a little bit.

Also look how beautiful the outdoors were when I was heading off to class!!

12:05 – I got back to my aunt and uncle’s house about an hour ago, I think. I haven’t done much, just eat lunch and watch some Youtube, but I need to get some homework started. Although, it’s not the most exciting thing even, I still need to do it. I enjoy some homework though so, I’ll take what I can get.

4:36 – I finished my homework a little while ago and so now I’m just writing and I’m probably going to read a little bit more, before I go and get ready for bed. I’m really not that exciting, I guess. I’ll talk about this story a little more at a later point when it’s closer to being finished.

5:27 – Here is my outfit for the day! My shirt is from JCPenney’s, I think. My shorts are from Walmart and my shoes are some blue checkered Vans. My rings are from Cracker Barrel and Walmart. My scrunchie is from Glik’s. At least I think that’s where it’s from, but don’t quote me on that. My earrings were a gift from my aunt.

7:28 – Update, I didn’t actually read my book, but that’s okay. I’m going to go get ready for bed now so I can go to sleep because I wake up really early for school. It’s also raining right now so I might read before I go to bed, but I don’t know. The night is still young and I still got some time to make decisions.

Wednesday, June 22nd

7:52 – Hey guys! Guess who forgot to update again last night. That’s okay, I’m not perfect. Anyways, good morning everyone. It’s currently Wednesday. I’m currently at school waiting for class to start, so I figured that I had a little bit of time to get an entry in before the day started.

11:26 – I just got back from class and honestly today was a pretty good day. I came back to my aunt and uncle’s house and saw the kitties. They are so stinking adorable. I’m definitely not a cat person, but I might become a dog and cat person, but just for these cuties. They are so adorable and cute and sweet. I have some homework, but I also need to eat so I’m going to eat and then do some homework.

Fireball and Shadow ❤

5:46 – I’m finally done with homework, oh my goodness. I need to go charge my laptop anyways, but I’m also just ready to go do something else. It’s really hard for me to stay focused on the same task for hours and hours on end. But, my mom and sister came to see me which was really nice of them. Honestly I’m just happy to be done with homework because my hand hurts so much from writing.

8:01 – Here is my outfit before I go take a shower really quick. I’m just wearing a Dodge City Days shirt with some biker shorts from Walmart. I wore my blue checkered Vans again. I also have a scrunchie that I think I got from Cracker Barrel. This is just a simple comfy outfit that I desperately needed.

8:40 – I got out of the shower a little while ago and I’ve been sitting on my bed reading. I’m really tired so I’m going to go finish getting ready for bed and go to bed. I’m going home tomorrow though which I’m so excited for. Good night!

Thursday, June 23rd

7:56 – I literally went to bed at 9:30 last night. Who am I!? I literally never go to bed that early. Anyways, good morning everyone. I just got to school and I’m waiting for class to start. Today is my last day of biology for the week and I’m literally so excited to go home. I would’ve updated before I head to class but I really wanted to finish my book. I was so close but then I got to a really heartbreaking part of the book and I just couldn’t. Does anyone else hit a sad part and you just can’t finish it because the book broke your heart so much? Also I left my aunt’s house like 5 minutes late, which isn’t terrible, but I don’t give myself a whole lot of leeway in case something happens, which probably isn’t good, but the kitties wanted to come with me. I lowkey just wanted to bring them, but I don’t think that I could.

8:59 – So, hi? It’s literally 8:59 at night right now and I totally forgot to update you guys the rest of the day so there’s that. I came home after class, I finished my book and my mom and I started The Summer I Turned Pretty series on Amazon Prime, I started doing homework, I went to work, I came home from work and then I ate dinner. I’ll have to take a photo of my outfit tonight before I go to bed so y’all can see it.

11:02 – I guess I’m going to bed so good night. Sorry about this dud of a day.

Friday, June 24th

12:50 – Hey! I’m literally terrible at this right now. I’ve been just going ever since I got up. I went on a walk, got ready for the day and have been doing homework literally ever since then. Now I’m waiting on my mom so we can watch the second episode of The Summer I Turned Pretty series. It’s so good so far. I’ll try and update later today.

That is the end of the post. Sorry, it ends so choppy, but sometimes that’s just how life works. I guess I got too busy, haha. Anyways, are you guys excited that I’m back? I’m excited to be back and I hope you guys are stoked that I’m back. I’ll see you guys later this week for a life update. Bye!

~emy ❤

Published by teallyfrog

Just a little girl trying to make it big...not really but

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